Kavisa has been a board member of the Sacramento Breastfeeding Coalition since 2020. She currently serves as the Secretary and is on the African American and the Karen Evon Memorial Fund subcommittees. She is also a California Work and Family Coalition member and has participated in Virtual Advocacy Days meeting with legislators and their staff. She is part of the International Lactation Consultant Association® (ILCA®) and volunteers with Yoga Moves Us to help make yoga accessible to all.
The SBC welcomes participation from all areas of the community - IBCLCs, lactation educators, nurses, doulas, doctors, dietitians, parents, community partners, community members, La Leche League members, and anyone who has a passion for breastfeeding/chestfeeding advocacy. We host virtual meetings every 3rd Tuesday from 12:30 - 2 pm. To learn more visit sacbfc.org
Actions You Can Take
I keep an updated list of petitions and actions to take on https://linktr.ee/NourishingJustly under the "Justice/Action" heading.
"Justice is what love looks like in public." Dr. Cornel West
“In a racist society it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be anti-racist.”
Angela Y. Davis
"Sharing statistical data about racial inequalities but failing to explicitly name how racism caused these inequalities, allows people to overlook the power of institutional racism. It happens so much in schools, in the media, and in books, that when BIPoC begin to describe how many of the inequities we face are caused by racism, our reality is questioned. Often by people who were taught that BIPoC just happen to be in the predicament we are in. Share the why." Jacquelyn Ogorchukwu